Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lesson Plan 1: HSC – Option 1: The Health of young people (Stage 6):

The aim of this learning task is to further develop students understanding and especially awareness around mental health and suicide more specifically. Through using the recent articles on Mark Priestly the issue of suicide becomes real and applicable to the students and was intended to enforce and alert the individuals of the fact the suicide is out there and it can happen to anyone. The associated questions are designed to engage the students in substantive conversation and hence reach into higher order thinking and learning, which demonstrate a level of their knowledge and understanding around mental health and suicide. Small group work also allows for more conversation and creates a comfortable learning environment for students.

Do Australia’s Young people enjoy good health

Students learn about:
Stress and Coping:

Students learn to:
Critically analyse a health promotion program designed to promote the health of young people.

Learning experiences:
Students will, in expert groups, critically analyse 2 news reports and 1 news video report on the death of Mark Priestly. Students will work in small groups to discuss how suicide is represented in these two articles and the video, if represented at all. The following questions can be used as a guide to facilitate learning and develop deeper understanding.

Higher order thinking Questions:
1. Why do you think suicide is represented or not represented in society?

2. How do young people in society view suicide and self harm acts?

3. What is an appropriate strategy for creating more awareness in communities and among young Australians?

Students will than mind map as a class programs and health promotions that they are aware of in their local communities and areas, and use small groups to create a short TV ad that will create more awareness and education around teenage suicide and self harm in society.

Butcher paper
Pens (group work)
Video recorder

2 news reports from mark priestly death.


A News video report of Mark Priestly death:

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